Grow With Goals

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I believe that you have more potential than you have unlocked so far. 

Do YOU also believe that you have more potential?

The Almighty God has given us all equal time and equally capable brains. How we utilize our time towards achieving our goals; and how we develop & utilize our brain, brings the real difference, which makes the difference between highly successful people and mediocre people. 

Understanding the structure of unlocking inner excellence for exponential growth in personal & professional lives is essential so that strengths & excellence are put to their best use; and the areas, which can be bettered can be fine-tuned to maximize the results.  

I have created this unique & proven 8 sessions (90 minutes each) action-packed & brainstorming-rich workshop for YOU where you will discover how to transform your personal & professional lives with the power of GOPTA NLP Framework and how to set the goals and have the recipe & mindset to achieve those goals.   

Time to Get Rid of These Growth Blockers:-

  • – Sense of underperforming as compared to your true potential;
  • – Confusion about the definition of success and lack of clarity about how to achieve huge success;
  • Dreading goal-setting and feeling stuck due to dearth of time.

It’s time to stop living a ‘compromised life’! Take back charge of your life!

Most people live a reactive life and fail to unlock their true potential by not identifying their goals and by not deciding to work upon those goals and time utilisation patterns.

But not ANYMORE!

Join Sanjay Agarwal as he takes you on a transformative journey through his worldwide popular growth model GOPTA NLP Framework to kickstart your journey to achieve your goals. 


Do These Challenges Resonate With You?

  • Do you feel that you have no vision in life?
  • Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed with work pressure?
  • Do you feel like losing out every single day due to above factors and feel stuck?

Disclaimer: This is not just another bookish goals setting course! The outcomes are deep, very deep & transformative.       

Are you ready to begin this life-changing journey and unlock your true potential by stepping out of your comfort zone? 

Highlights of this deep transformative 8 sessions are:

How Will This Program Accelerate Your Growth?

By the end of this insightful program, you will be able to:

  • Identify your goals with clarity; 
  • Maximise results by setting compelling well-formed outcomes;
  • Have empowering & resourceful belief system; 
  • Design your 2023 and ahead with clarity
  • And much more!
Price Rs. 40,000/- + GST [ USD 599 + VAT for overseas participants ]

Coach Sanjay Kumar Agarwal

Date July 29, 30, August 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20; Or on Demand sessions, on invitation

Time 8 sessions of 90 minutes each

Total Duration 12 hours

Sessions 8

Venue  Online or On Demand

Language Hindi (cum English)

Frequently asked questions

I don't need any guidance on Goals.

Worldwide researches have revealed that a very small fraction of population have written goals and that’s why, they have more chance to achieve those goals.

Clarity about goals is the 1st step. Identifying your WHY and having the recipe & mindset to achieve those goals is essential in today’s world of cut-throat competition.

Our mind is a genius machine that can be reprogrammed to achieve excellence and this program will add awesome value to your Goals setting process & Goals Achievement Mindset. 

Moreover, understanding the importance of utilising time in a goals-oriented manner enhances productivity and maximises profitability. 

I am very busy and I have no time to attend the program. What should I do?

Trust me, having clarity about ‘goals’ and having the ‘mindset’ to achieve those goals is essential. You have to find out time for this essential skill which needs to be learnt at all costs. 

These 2 days can save you years as you will learn the methodology by which you can achieve your 5 years goals in 3 years or so. Thus, in a way, you are adding 2 years to your life.

You DECIDE whether 2 days investment is wise or not. 

Who can benefit from Grow With Goals Program?

The program has been designed in a fashion that people from all spheres of life can benefit from it and craft a successful life trajectory for themselves.

This is a must-attend program for 

  • Top Management Personnel including CEOs, COOs, CTOs, 
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners
  • Consultants
  • Financial advisors
  • Working professionals
  • Coaches
  • Network Marketers
  • Real Estate Executives & Sales Teams
  • Teachers 
  • Students
  • Anyone who wants to take their communications to next level and become a master influencer
What if I pay, but cannot attend the sessions? Will I get the recordings?

You will miss a lot. We can allow substitute if you are not in a position to attend.

These sessions are interactive and induce on-the-spot brainstorming. So, even if you miss first 15 minutes, you will miss a lot. So arrive and time and immerse yourself in deep brainstorming to construct your life with your own hands. 

Success Stories